Tag: Diaspora vasca
The most awarded Mexican architect is the granddaughter of a Basque...
Tatiana Bilbao, an internationally-renowned Mexican architect, is the granddaughter of another great architect, Tomás Bilbao, a Basque exile in Mexico
West of Basque: a documentary about the history of the Basques...
West of Basque tells the story of generations of Basques in Idaho, from their arrival to the US to their position of prominence today
Macachín, Argentina: a Basque town 6,000 miles from “home”
A young Argentinian who lives in London shares this amazing report on social media about Macachin, perhaps the most Basque town in Argentina
Feb. 13, 1612: Birth of the oldest Basque group in the...
Anniversary of the foundation of the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Aranzazu in Lima
International Migrants’ Day. Basque Emigrants in the Americas
Marie (Mirentxu) Amezaga Clark tells us the role Basque emigration played in the history of the Americas as part of International Migrants' Day.
Indiana to move the two-century-old cabin of a descendant of the...
The Navarre cabin, in St. Joseph Country, is 200 years old, and was built by a descendant of the King of Navarre, is to be moved
Ellen Ochoa, the first astronaut of Basque descent, awarded by President...
Ellen Ochoa, the first astronaut of Basque descent, awarded by President Biden with the Presidential Medal of Freedom
A Basque cider festival in Brooklyn. Sagar Handia Fest 2024 at...
On March 17, the New York Basque Center will be hosting the 2024 Sagar Handia Fest in Brooklyn
A new docu-series about the history of the Basques in Bakersfield...
Jacob Shaw is directing and producing "Basque Tracks", a series of documentaries about the past, present, and future of the Basque community of Bakersfield, Calif.
Are Basque traditions disappearing in San Francisco?
The closure of the last Basque restaurant in San Francisco, Piperade, serves for the 'Chronicle' as a reason to look at the past and presence of this Basque community