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Tag: Bombing of Guernica

Kerman Mirena Iriondo, the Basque war child who was “adopted” by...

This article was translated by John R. Bopp This time, Basque-American writer Vince J. Juaristi has left us dumbfounded.  We’ve been following his magnificent series of...

The story of Basque war children taken in in Newcastle

Niños Vascos de la Guerra acogidos en Newcastle
This article was translated by John R. Bopp This is the third in a series of three articles dedicated to the publications of Sarah Richardson in...

The essential role the society of Newcastle played in the evacuation...

Coquetdale uno de los buques de Newcastle que participaron en la ruptura dle bloqueo franquista a Bilbao y en la evacuación de refugiados
This article was translated by John R. Bopp The second of three articles we’re dedicating to the blog posts by Sarah Richardson for the Tyne &...

Observing the “center of Hell”: two unpublished aerial photos of Guernica,...

We're bringing you this information even though it has not (yet) been published in any international media outlets due to its extraordinary historical value. Gernikazarra...

British sailors who were witnesses to the Bombing of Guernica

Ruins of Guernica. Photo by Norman Ramsey
This article was translated by John R. Bopp First article in a series of three we’re dedicating to the posts by Sarah Richarson in the Tyne & Wear...

Truths and lies about the 1937 Bombing of Guernica

composición fotográfica publicado por la revista Volks Illustrierte en su nº 22 de 2 junio 1937. Obra del artista alemán John Heartfield.
This article was translated by John R. Bopp As every year, we’ve written a lengthy article on the commemoration of the Bombing of Guernica, which took...

The bombing of Guernica. Goodwill shines brightest when surrounded by the...

Bombardeo de Gernika 1937
  Second entry on the Bombing of Guernica written in commemoration of this event held in 2015. Truth and lies about the bombing of Guernica in...

Alain Resnais, the Breton who brought the tragedy of Guernica to...

As the just-updated Wikipedia article about recently-passed director Alain Renais states:  Alain Resnais(French: ; 3 June 1922 – 1 March 2014) was a French film director and...

Truths about the Bombing of Guernica, by Xabier de Irujo, professor...

Nowadays, we find ourselves living in times when we have to suffer the wave of historical revisionism whose goal is to make the world...

They weren’t “Nationalists”, they were “Insurgents”, or simply “Fascists”

"Rough Guides", the website of a guidebook publishing house with more than thirty years of history, has recently been completely redesigned.  Taking a virtual...