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Tag: bBasques in the world

The most awarded Mexican architect is the granddaughter of a Basque...

Tatiana Bilbao, la  arquitecta mexicana de origen vasco
Tatiana Bilbao, an internationally-renowned Mexican architect, is the granddaughter of another great architect, Tomás Bilbao, a Basque exile in Mexico

West of Basque: a documentary about the history of the Basques...

Documental West of Basque. fiesta de la comunidad vasca de Boise
West of Basque tells the story of generations of Basques in Idaho, from their arrival to the US to their position of prominence today

Feb. 13, 1612: Birth of the oldest Basque group in the...

Recipiente para los Santos Óleos. Hermandad de Nuestra Señora de Aranzatzu de Lima Siglo XVII. Una de las pocas propiedades que no fueron expropiadas
Anniversary of the foundation of the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Aranzazu in Lima

Ellen Ochoa, the first astronaut of Basque descent, awarded by President...

El presidente Biden entrega la Medalla Presidencial de la Libertad, a Ellen Ochoa, astronauta de la NASA y exdirectora del Centro Espacial Johnson.
Ellen Ochoa, the first astronaut of Basque descent, awarded by President Biden with the Presidential Medal of Freedom

A Basque cider festival in Brooklyn. Sagar Handia Fest 2024 at...

Sagar Handia Fest 2024 New Yrok
On March 17, the New York Basque Center will be hosting the 2024 Sagar Handia Fest in Brooklyn

A new docu-series about the history of the Basques in Bakersfield...

Basque Tracks. Una serie  de Jacob Shaw sobre los vascos de Baskerfield
Jacob Shaw is directing and producing "Basque Tracks", a series of documentaries about the past, present, and future of the Basque community of Bakersfield, Calif.

A tour of Basque cuisine in Bakersfield, California

Wool Grower Restaurant (Bakersfield, CA)
The Yelp website has published an article about the restaurants that best represent Basque cuisine in Bakersfield, California

75th anniversary of the first issue of ‘Oiga’ magazine, the work...

Paco Igartua y Doris Gibson en Lima 1945
Today, November 8, 2023, marks the 75th anniversary of the first issue of 'Oiga', the work of Basque-Peruvian Paco Igartua

Why is there a “Villa de Bilbao” in Mexico?

Una calle del Ejido Villa de Bilbao (México)
The reason why there is a "Villa de Bilbao" in Mexico and the story of its founder from Galdames

A painting of Our Lady of Begoña in Villa de Bilbao,...

El INAH entrega la pintura de caballete restaurada “Virgen de Begoña” al Ejido Villa de Bilbao, en Viesca, Coahuila. Foto- CNCPC-INAH.
A painting titled "Our Lady of Begoña" from the 18th century, which is quite relevant to the community of Ejido Villa de Bilbao, in the Viesca area of Coahuila state in Mexico, has been restored