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Tag: Basques in the Americas

Two Basque families in 18th- and 19th-century Peru. By Teodoro Hampe...

Lima en el siglo XVIII
Two articles about Basque families residing in Peru in the 18th and 19th centuries, and their lives in colonial times and the birth of the Republic

The Colegio de las Vizcaínas School during Mexico’s struggle for independence

Grabado de la fachada del Colegio de San Ignacio de Loyola - Vizcaínas
Ana Rita Valera, director of the Historical Archive, and Lizzeth Armenta, Museum Curator, tell us of the role of the Vizcaínas School in Mexico's struggle for independence

Three Basque migrations to Venezuela over 500 years of history

Xabier Amézaga, son of Basque intellectual Vicente Amézaga and compiler of the latter's works, writes for us on the mark the Basques left on Venezuela as part of the series on the bicentennial of the independence of the New World republics

254 years since the opening of the Colegio de San Ignacio...

Colegio de las Vizcaínas. México
On September 9, the Colegio de San Ignacio de Loyola – Vizcaínas School, founded by the Basques living in Mexico City in the 18th century, celebrates its "birthday"

The anticolonialism of Sabino Arana, the founder of Basque nationalism (video)

Sabino Arana en la prisión de Larrinaga (1895)
Historians Jean-Claude Larronde and Luis de Guezala explain to us Sabino de Arana's strong feelings against colonialism

A Missionary’s Greetings from the Bishop of Yurimaguas on the Day...

Saludo de Monseñor Aristín en el Día de la Diaspora Vasca 2021
The Bishop of Yurimaguas, Basque Passionist Jesús María Aristín, sends greetings and blessings to the global Basque Community

On the birthday of Basque-Peruvian journalist “Paco” Igartua, when his voice...

Francisco "Paco" Igartua
Today, September 5, is the 98th anniversary of the birth of Basque-Peruvian journalist Francisco "Paco" Igartua

1942: Lehendakari Aguirre honored throughout the Americas as a leader of...

Recibimiento al Lehendakari Aguirre en Lima durante su gira americana de 1942. FONDO EDITORIAL REVISTA OIGA
Three years ago, at this time, we dedicated an article to remembering the tour Lehendakari Aguirre made to most Latin American countries in 1942. ...

Aguirre. Reading and reflections about the New World republics from...

Aguirre y Persson con sus familias, en Göteborg, en junio de 1941 © Sabino Arana Fundazioa
Andoni Ortuzar analyzes Lehendakari Aguirre's readings while hiding from the Gestapo in Europe and his thoughts on the republics of the New World

The role of the Basques in the US War of Independence

Rendición de las tropas británicas en la batalla de Yorktown, que significó el final de la Guerra de Independencia de los USA (John Trumbull, 1840)
The Basque contribution to the American patriots in the US War of Independence could be considered decisive. Dr. Robert P. Clark tells us all about it