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Tag: Basques in the Americas

Amaia Gabantxo. Video-Poems by Basque Poets Translated into English (5, 6,...

#BasqueVideoPoems tercera entrega. Amaia Gabantxo
With this third entry in this series, we bring you the videos that complete the artistic project Amaia Gabantxo has been bringing us, titled...

Mikel Ezkerro: the Patriot, the Sower, and the Living Memory of...

foto Mikel Ezkerro - Emilia Bastida
It was recently his birthday, so we wanted to write an entry on Mikel Ezkerro, an important figure in Basque culture in Argentina and...

Guillermo Zubiaga: The Connection between ‘Joanes or the Basque Whaler’ and...

imagen de «Joanes the basque wahler» de Guillermo Zubiaga
  A few days ago, we were saddened to report on the passing of Selma Huxley, the researcher who made the world aware of the...

“Buenos Aires Celebrates the Basque Country” is NOT Canceled: This Year...

Bueno Aires celebra al Pais Vasco 2020
The global COVID-19 crisis is affecting all aspects of life, from the terrible, tragic loss of loved ones to the horrendous economic and social...

Selma Huxley, Basque Whaling Historian and Friend to the Basques, has...

Today, Selma Huxley, the historian, researcher, and friend of the Basques our nation owes so much to, has passed away.  With her passing, we will...

Two Videos to Discover the “Colegio de las Vizcaínas” in Mexico,...

A year ago, we wrote an article to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the founding of the Colegio de San Ignacio or "Colegio de las...

Coming Up on 100 Years of the Extraordinary Work of the...

Padres Pasionistas. Navegando por los ríos de la Amazonía peruana
Our regular readers will know yours truly has a great deal of fondness and admiration for the Passionist Fathers who set up in the Basque...

Víctor Zuluaga Gómez on the Nobility of the Basques: Better to...

Cartago Colombia
On our daily search for articles related to anything and everything Basque, we recently came across a Colombian publication, EJE 21, which has an opinion...

The Basque Center of Antioquia, Colombia Shares the Documentary “Basque Legacy...

Documental Legado Vasco en Antioquia
John Alejandro Ricaurte is a doctor in International Studies who is a historian at the University of Antioquia.  He obtained his degree in History...

Guides to Discover the History of the Basque Sheepherders Out West

Basque sheepherder camped on the range. Dangberg Ranch, Douglas County, Nevada. Photo by Arthur Rothstein. 1940
The Moab, Utah Canyon Country Zephyr is published in one of those places we're dying to visit because of the important Basque presence there,...