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Tag: Basques in Africa

The Basque foundry built in the heart of Angola in the...

Ruinas de la Fábrica de Ferro de Nova Oeiras  en una fotografía de 1950 (Angola)
The story of some Basque blacksmiths hired in the 18th century by the Kingdom of Portugal to build and run a foundry in Angola

Begoña Iñarra: Basque, chemist, missionary, and determined in her fight against...

Begoña Iñarra misionera en africa
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Global Sisters Report is, as they define themselves, "a website for information about Catholic sisters and the critical problems...

Hilarión Sarrionandia: the Basque who wrote the first grammar of the...

Pedro Hilarión Sarrionandia Linaza
This article was translated by John R. Bopp The land of Rif, where the Riffians live, in modern-day Morocco, is a land of sad memories for...