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Tag: Basque diaspora

A response from Peru to the libel against the Day of...

Recibimiento al Lehendakari Aguirre en Lima durante su gira americana de 1942. FONDO EDITORIAL REVISTA OIGA
This article was translated by John R. Bopp On September 16, the Spanish dialy El Español published an article by Pedro José Chacón Delgado, professor of History of...

Euskaletxeak: a new design for an essential website to get to...

Bailes vascos Centro Pergamino Argentina (archivo digital Euskaletxeak.net)
This article was translated by John R. Bopp The Euskaletxeak website, which we never tire of saying, is a basic piece of kit for those who want...

On the 20th, Dan Ansotegui will receive the highest award for...

This article was translated by John R. Bopp As we mentioned last July, Basque-Idahoan musician Dan Ansotegui is going to receive the 2019 National Heritage Fellowship, which is...

Lima, August 30: a date that recalls the resilience of the...

Recipiente para los Santos Óleos. Hermandad de Nuestra Señora de Aranzatzu de Lima Siglo XVII. Una de las pocas propiedades que no fueron expropiadas
This year, at the end of August, we'd like to state for the record what happened on August 30, 1866, which was a clear...

The Irujo Brothers, Manuel, Andrés María, and Pello, in memory of...

Mikel Ezkerro was born in Rawson, Chacabuco, Buenos Aires province, and studied at the Jesuit school in Bilbao, in the Basque Country.  He continued...

Return to the “Basque heart” of Australia

The Basque visitors learned of the strong cultural ties Australia's Basques, or Euskadi, enjoy with their ancestral homeland. (Supplied: Basque Club of north Queensland)
This article was translated by John R. Bopp We are thrilled.  Why?  Because, again, journalist Tom Mayor has published an article about the Basques for the Australian Broadcasting...

Dan Ansotegui. Another Basque artist (we’re up to six) wins...

Dan Ansotegui premiado con el NATIONAL HERITAGE FELLOWSHIPS 2019
This article was translated by John R. Bopp The National Heritage Fellowship (NEA) is an award given since 1982 to traditional artists in the US by...

Basque Museum: “From Euzkadi to Idaho”. Remembering People

«Desde Euzkadi hasta Idaho». Recordando a las personas. Un proyecto del Basque Museum de Boise
This article was translated by John R. Bopp The Basque Museum and Cultural Center of Boise has just published an online article telling us the most...

An Euzko Etxea borne of the more than four centuries of...

Update: Limako Arantzazu Euzko Etxea has been recognized as a Basque Center by the Basque Government Few Basque institutions have survived and thrived over four...

Remembering the Panamanian Consul who Saved our Lehendakari

Jose Antonio Aguirre disfrazado de José Andrés Álvarez de la Lastra, ciudadano panameño, para huir de los nazis
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Recently, La Estrella de Panamá published an article discussing the pivotal role played by Consul Germán Gil Guardia...