This article was translated byย John R. Bopp
Theย Euskaletxeak website, which we never tire of saying, is a basic piece of kit for those who want to learn about the breadth and depth of the Basque Community around the world.ย And we’ve just gotten some great news: they’ve just redesigned it!
The site offers essential and extremely valuable historical content, such as its digital archive, with tens of thousands of amazing photographs, or its archive of publications and documents, which can be found in the “Digital Archive” section.
Since we started this blog, we’ve used it as an invaluable source of information and references, and we’ve recommended it to our readers at every opportunity.
And we’re not doing this just because.ย We’re convinced that for this goal of cohesion, mutual understanding, and defense of the existence of a Basque Community in the world, it is necessary to have a place to get to know the past and present of this global community.ย It’s essential to preserve and share the history of how our people have organized themselves in the world so as to keep their roots alive and to support each other.ย This history of commitment and working together is a source of pride for our country, and a tool for us to get to know each other better and to continue advancing.
We’ve always believed that it is necessary for there to be a great “repository” whose main goal was to be the central storehouse of that history, regardless of whether those elements referenced are found at the Museum of the Basque Diaspora, the Basque National Archives, or in foundations, museums, or archives anywhere in the world.
A place is needed where any Basque or anyone at all who’s interesting in getting to know us can find key references without having to be a formal researcher or having thorough knowledge of the history of our diaspora over the centuries.
For us to get to know ourselves, and in order to be known, first we have to show who we are, what we’ve done, and what we’re doing; otherwise, it’s almost impossible to reach that goal.
We know that there are big plans for this website.ย We’re sure it’s going to be giving us some excellent surprises in the near future.ย Already, the new design, is taking it to the next level.
We love it, and we think it’s a great start.ย We just hope that since they’ve already registered the domain, they’ll start using it (rather than .net).

Last Updated on Dec 20, 2020 by About Basque Country