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Tag: Basque Culture

St. Agatha 2021: sorely missed but still in our hearts (video)

This year, the St. Agatha's Day choirs will not be roaming the streets of the Land of the Basques (which is wherever Basques are), but the tradition is still alive in our hearts

The decline of grazing threatens the existence of Idiazabal cheese

Rebaño de oveja latxa (Lactiker / UPV / EHU)
Mulitdisciplinary research group Lactiker at the Univ. of the Basque Country is looking into traditional grazing and the future of Idiazabal cheese

Basque Chronicles: The Gate of the Judgment in Tudela: check out...

Puerta del Juicio  Catedral de Tudela representando su aspecto original
An app and a website allow us to see what the Door of the Judgment at Tudela Cathedral would have looked lik 800 years ago

Jaialdi 2020 isn’t Jaialdi 2021 anymore; now it’s Jaialdi 2022. ...

Jaialdi 2022
The poor evolution of the covid-19 pandemic has forced the organizers of the Jaialdi to push back this incredible global Basque Diaspora reunion to July of 2022

Zorionak eta Urte Berri On 2021

AboutBC Zorionak_2021
2020 has been a difficult year, to say the least.  Definitely more surviving than thriving.  At the end of 2019, we said: "We hope 2020...

The Basque mythological character “Akerbeltz” is the unwitting protagonist of fake...

Akerbeltz Fuego Fatuo Etsy
Una representación artística del el personaje de la mitología vasca, «Akerbeltz» se ha hecho pasar por una nueve especie descubierta en África

The new, Italian edition of ‘Obabakoak’ with a foreword by Bernardo...

Bernanrdo Atxaga, el escritor vasco, autor de Obabakoak. ©Xabier Idoate
La editorial 21Lettere acaba de publicar en Italia una nueva edición de Obabakoak de Bernardo Atxaga, el más importante escritor vasco vivo

Vitoria-Gasteiz, one of National Geographic’s 25 recommendations for 2021

La web de National Geographic  incluye a Vitoria-Gasteiz entre los 25 destinos recomendados en 2021.
The National Geographic website includes Vitoria-Gasteiz on its list of 25 recommendations for 2021, highlighting its history and culture

A very Basque Thanksgiving in Petaluma, California

Basque Thanksgiving in Petaluma
A California journalist specialized in gastronomy tells how and why they had a Basque Thanksgiving dinner

The Basque Country: building the “Culinary Nation”

Basque Culinary Center
The 'Fine Dining Lovers' website has just published an article analyzing the efforts that have gone into making the Basque Country the "Culinary Nation"