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Tag: Basque Culture

Sharing the Basque vermouth cocktail “marianito” with the world

Social Marianito, Basque-Negroni. Cocktail Recipe Fotografóa: LIZZIE MUNRO
Puch, a US website specializing in alcoholic drinks, has just published an amazing article about the very popular Basque drink "marianito."

Two articles on Basque and the “miracle” of its survival

Traditional Basque folk dancers performing in Bilbao.  Image credit- Laiotz:Shutterstock.com
Big Think and IFL Science, on the same day, publish articles about Basque, how it's an isolate, and its ability to survive

How did a piece of the Basque Country end up in...

Grupo de Dantza en Boise
Journalist Rachel Roberts has recently published an article in the Idaho Statesman (which we've often cited on the blog) sharing the keys both to the important presence...

Magan Basque is the first Indigenous Miss Canada United World

Magan Basque of Eskasoni made history this month when she was named the first Indigenous winner of the Miss Canada United World pageant. CONTRIBUTED MISS CANADA UNITED
Magan Basque, a member of the Mi'kmaq nation, which Basque sailors had an intense relationship with for centuries, has been crowned Miss Canada United World

Basque footprints in Nevada…gastronomy and so much more

Gastronomía vasca en Nevada -  Rob Kachelriess
Author, photographer, and journalist Rob Kachelriess has just published a fascinating report on the culinary offerings to be found by visitors to Nevada on...

‘The New European’: “The Basques are still singing” despite Franco

Kafe Antzokia Urbeltzen Dantza Ganbara
The British weekly 'The New European' tells how Basque culture survived and thrived despite Franco's persecution

Musician and researcher Josu Okiñena named a member of La Bascongada

Josu Okiñena  es nombrado miembro de la Bascongada
Jos Okiñena, Basque composer and researcher, is named a member of La Bascongada in recognition for his work as a researcher into Basque musical cultural heritage

Why there is a National Basque Sheepherder Monument in Reno

El Monumento Nacional al Pastor Vasco en Reno. Fotografía:  JASON BEAN/RGJ
The 'Reno Gazette-Journal' has published an article by a professor at the University of Nevada, Reno, Carmelo Urza, about the history and reasons behind the Basque Sheepherder Monument

Basque sheepherders’ arborglyphs in the Far West are a heritage that...

Arboglifo. Talla de un ciervo en el tronco de un álamo temblón en el este de las Montañas Cascade, Bosque Nacional Lassen. Foto de T. Rickman, Servicio Forestal Nacional de EE. UU
The National Archives is supporting three universities to collect and preserve the tree engravings of Basque sheepherders in the Far West

New York Times: the Basque Autonomous Community, tourism and culture with...

Tabakalera es un espacio de arte polivalente en expansión dentro de una antigua fábrica de cigarrillos en San Sebastián.Crédito...Emilio Parra Doiztúa para The New York Times
A travel article that shares some clues about what to do in San Sebastian, Getaria, and Bilbao to enjoy Basque culture with children