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Tag: arboles

Basque sheepherders’ arborglyphs in the Far West are a heritage that...

Arboglifo. Talla de un ciervo en el tronco de un álamo temblón en el este de las Montañas Cascade, Bosque Nacional Lassen. Foto de T. Rickman, Servicio Forestal Nacional de EE. UU
The National Archives is supporting three universities to collect and preserve the tree engravings of Basque sheepherders in the Far West

A mystery novel about the arborglyphs in Idaho

Bryce Ternet has long enjoyed the Valley landscape. Now he’s written a mystery novel about it. Photo credit- Bryce Ternet
A book just published in Idaho bases its plot on the arborglyphs left behind by the Basque shepherds in the poplar trees