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Tag: Basque whalers

Magan Basque is the first Indigenous Miss Canada United World

Magan Basque of Eskasoni made history this month when she was named the first Indigenous winner of the Miss Canada United World pageant. CONTRIBUTED MISS CANADA UNITED
Magan Basque, a member of the Mi'kmaq nation, which Basque sailors had an intense relationship with for centuries, has been crowned Miss Canada United World

Basque whalers in Iceland on the website of the US Library...

Mapa de Islandia Abraham Ortelius 1587 Ruderman Antique Maps Inc
The blog of the Library of Congress has dedicated an entry to the 32 Basque whalers who were killed in Iceland in 1615

National Geographic takes us whaling with the 16th-century Basque whalers

National Geographic, artículo sobre la Nao San Juan y los balleneros vascos
An interactive article about Basque whalers and the ship 'San Juan' brings us closer to the epic journeys taken by Basque whalers in the 16th century

National Geographic: cider’s key role in the history of the Basques

La sidra se escancia de un barril en la Sidrería Barkaiztegi, donde la misma familia ha producido sidra desde 1680.  FOTOGRAFÍA DE AGEFOTOSTOCK, ALAMY STOCK PHOTO
National Geographic has published an article on their website about the key role cider has played in Basque culture, society, and economy over the centuries

The Albaola Factory, or how to live Basque maritime history first-hand

Albaola. La Factoría Marítima Vasca
Albaola, la Factoría Marítima Vasca, nos ofrece una inmersión en la historia de una de los sectores en los que los vascos han sido referente durante siglos

Guillermo Zubiaga: The Connection between ‘Joanes or the Basque Whaler’ and...

imagen de «Joanes the basque wahler» de Guillermo Zubiaga
  A few days ago, we were saddened to report on the passing of Selma Huxley, the researcher who made the world aware of the...

Selma Huxley, Basque Whaling Historian and Friend to the Basques, has...

Today, Selma Huxley, the historian, researcher, and friend of the Basques our nation owes so much to, has passed away.  With her passing, we will...

A 15th-C. Basque Wine Transporter Ship that Sailed from Portugal to...

Piezas del Barco de Newport recuperadas y tratadas
This isn't the first time we've commented on how often we get the impression that the news we find tends to somehow end up...

Shipbuilders, sailors, whalers: a “story of Basques” from the Royal Geographical...

Building work has been underway on the replica San Juan since 2014
Geographical, the official magazine of the Royal Geographical Society, has been published in the United Kingdom since 1935, and is, as we can imagine,...

Selma Huxley, the woman who showed epic journey of Basque whalers...

We've written a lot about how Basque whalers "lighted" Europe with the oil from the whales they captured off of modern-day Canada.  They were...