A few days ago, we were commenting how Amaia Gabantxo has dived into a new and very interesting artistic project to pass the lockdown: turning some of the poems she collected in her 2007 “Six Basque Poets”, which she herself translated, into video poems.

In the first of these #BasqueVideoPoems entries, we’ll get a total of two videos of the works of six contemporary Basque authors: Bernardo Atxaga, Miren Agur Meabe, Joseba Sarrionaindia, Kirmen Uribe, Rikardo Arregi, and Felipe Juaristi.  They were all involved in the project.

In this one, we’re including numbers three and four, which the author presents:

The third video-poem of the series is “The Cuckoo”, a poem by Kirmen Uribe about the fundamental human desire to control and organize nature, and the ability of nature to do whatever it wants, come what may.  It’s very appropriate for this pandemic, or for what brought us to it.

The fourth video-poem is from the series “Questions”, a poem by Miren Agur Meabe in which the poet reflects on unfulfilled dreams, the ideas that were left behind on the road.  I think that many of us are asking ourselves those types of questions during this lockdown.


And for those who are interested, you can purchase the book of poetry at:

ARC Publications


The cuckoo – Kirmen Uribe

Questions – Miren Agur Meabe

Last Updated on Dec 20, 2020 by About Basque Country

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