We recently launched, or are at least testing, a notification system that sends a direct message to your browser each time we upload a new entry to the blog.

We say “trying” because, as we’ve commented so many times before, all this business of configuring web pages is something we’re still amateurs at.  And that means that every time we decide to make an “improvement”, it takes time.

A while back, we were thinking about adding this possibility, so that our readers would get an immediate notification of every new article that got uploaded to our site.

The idea is that with the methods that are in our reach at the moment (Oh!  It’s always the money!), we could opt for a system that allows for notifications to desktops (Windows and Mac) as well as for Android mobile devices (it’s still not available for iOS).  We chose a very popular, reliable service: One Signal.

As we said, we’re in the trial stage, so we’d appreciate any comments about how it works.

The next step we’re planning on taking, in an indeterminate future, is to create a native app for Android and iOS.  That way, we’d guarantee the delivery of notifications.  But that’s for another time.

One Signal bell

Some of you may have already noticed the pop-up asking you if you’d like to receive notifications.  You’ll also see, at the lower right-hand corner of the screen, a red bell which allows you to manage your subscription to the notification system, both to sign up and to unsubscribe.

You just have to click on it and chose the option you prefer!

And it goes without saying we’d appreciate it if you’d join in, and we hope you find it useful.  We’ll keep it running for a while, eagerly awaiting your comments, and depending on that and our experience with the system, we’ll continue with it, or not.

Eskerrik Asko!

Last Updated on Dec 20, 2020 by About Basque Country

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