Many places around the world, wherever there are Basques or friends of Basques, celebrated the International Day of the Basque Language, the Euskararen Nazioarteko Eguna, commemorating our nation’s tongue.

But this is, in so many cases, so much more than just a day of gesture, since many places all around the world made the effort to share this language, and even go so far as to teach it.

We’d like to share an example of that work on the Day of the Basque Language with you, a report published in the Diario de Villa María in Córdoba, Argentina, where they covered the events organized by the Centro Vasco Euzko Etxea de Villa María.

Basque undoubtedly makes up a part of the local history of that corner of the New World.  It’s actually a part of this history of the whole New World: just look at all the town names, geographical features, and surnames that come from Basque, and you can see this language’s influence everywhere.

We feel we would be remiss if we didn’t highlight that the festival for the Day of Basque was part of the 63rd annual Basque Culture Month that this Euzko Etxea is putting on; the same Basque Center that has been offering free Basque classes since 1990.  A true example of the extraordinary work being done by our compatriots all over the world.

As we always say, the Diaspora Basques are not just a fundamental part of the Basque nation; just as they have played a key role in our past, so shall they too in our future.

Eskerrik Asko!!!

El Diario – 3/12/2019 – Argentina

El euskera: un idioma que forma parte de la historia local

Pocos, aparte de los historiadores locales, lo saben. Pero el euskera, la lengua autóctona del País Vasco y uno de los idiomas más antiguos y complejos del mundo, fue muy hablado durante varias décadas en nuestra región. Sobre todo en los campos y fincas, donde se asentaron miles de vascos que huían de la guerra y la pobreza, fundamentalmente en la primera parte del siglo XX.

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Last Updated on Dec 20, 2020 by About Basque Country

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