This article was translated by John R. Bopp

Katrina Lobley has just published an article in The Australian where she tells her readers her experiences pintxo-hopping in San Sebastian.

The Basque capital maintains, and indeed is increasing, its international standing as a culinary and tourist destination.  And it does so due to its personality, its traditions, and its cozy spirit.  Most of the visitors who come here don’t want to see a “theme park”.  They want to enjoy the same experiences, ambiances, and surroundings as the locals, and thereby discover the keys to what make our culture and cuisine so unique in the world.

We just hope, as we never tire of repeating, that we here are capable of turning ourselves into a quality tourist destination, focused on those who are seeking authentic experiences.  Our future in tourism depends on quality, not quantity.  The quality of what we offer will guarantee that the people who visit us really do truly want to get to know us.

The Australian – 21/9/2019 – Australia

Bites of passage

In San Sebastian’s pintxo bars, there’s an art to scoring covetable counter space. Cristina Castellanos Stephens, a guide with Devour Tours, demonstrates. She slides a fingertip on to a nearby tabletop, an incursion so subtle no other patrons even notice. This, she says, is how you start staking out space for you and your cuadrilla (group of friends). More fingers unfurl to become an entire hand. The hand is replaced with an elbow. Patrons shuffle aside and suddenly there’s a spot to rest your plates and drinks.


Google Translate. The Australian does not allow Google to automatically translate, so you have to copy and paste the text yourself

Last Updated on Dec 20, 2020 by About Basque Country

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