This article was translated by John R. Bopp
There are times when we’re surprised where we can find references to the Basques. Today, in the Los Angeles Times, the crossword has the following clue:
4.- start of a rhyming Basque game
We found the answer to this clue, and to the whole puzzle, in the blog “LAXCrossword”, where the solution to that day’s crossword in the Times is published (there’s also another one dedicated to the New York Times).
Not only do they give the answers, they explain them. The case of the clue above, the explanation is wonderful:
4. Start of a rhyming Basque game : JAI
Even though jai alai is often said to be the fastest sport in the world because of the speed of the ball, in fact golf balls usually get going at a greater clip. Although, as a blog reader once pointed out to me, you don’t have to catch a golf ball …
Basque Country is an area that covers north-central Spain and southwestern France, and is home to the Basque people.
You can find the solution and the explanation here.
Last Updated on Dec 20, 2020 by About Basque Country