This article was translated by John R. Bopp
The sixth season of “Game of Thrones” has just started on HBO. This series, which has hooked half the planet, has created a whole pilgrimage for its fans who want to know all the places each episode was filmed.
In the season that just debuted this week, some of the main events occur in an area in the south of Navarre, specifically, in Tudela and the Bardenas Reales.
The Guardian, which has always been one of our first go-to sources, has given us an amazing report from the pen of Richard Eilers, who, using the excuse that this area was used for filming, offers his readers a wide range of reasons to get to know this part of the Land of the Basques.
By the way, readers should not miss the description Richard Eilers gives of his discovery of the “Portal of Justice” in the Cathedral of Tudela, or his experiences and findings in the Bardenas Realeas.

Roisin Agnew, in her article for Lonely Planet, even though it perhaps seems like it should be the other way around, gives much more focused information on the use of these areas as backdrops for the international hit series than of the highlights of the area, like The Guardian does.
Landscapes, culture, history, and gastronomy: there are a lot of reasons to visit the south of Navarre. These reasons could even be used as an excuse for the real reason: to see, with one’s own eyes, the places where the extraordinary stories of “Game of Thrones” were filmed.
The Guardian – 24/4/2016 – Gran Bretaña
Spain, swords and sorcery: how Tudela enchanted the Game of Thrones producers
It must be difficult being a Game of Thrones writer. Difficult to find gruesome new ways to maim and kill people. The show’s millions of fans aren’t going to be kept happy with routine beheadings and disembowelments, with a penectomy thrown in for fun. So what’s a writer to do once season six rolls round?
(Sigue) (Traducción automática)
Lonely Planet – 27/4/2016 – USA
Game of Thrones season six unveils new amazing destination in Spain’s Navarra region
Among the many commendations you could set at the feet of the crew working behind Game Of Thrones, is that they certainly know how to find cinematic set locations. Having famously turned areas of Iceland, Morocco, and Ireland into pilgrimage destinations for die-hard fans and tourists alike, Game of Thrones, has done more than its fair share in showcasing some of the earth’s most scenic and beautiful spots worth visiting.
(Sigue) (Traducción automática)
Last Updated on Dec 20, 2020 by About Basque Country