We’ve spoken about the Monument to the Fueros standing before the Government House of Navarre on many occasions, and during these heady days of change within the Navarrese institutions, we can’t help but remember this symbol (for many reasons), as well as make a formal request of the new politicians.
The social majority of Navarre has a matter that’s been pending since 1903: the inauguration of the Monument to the Fueros, which was raised by popular acclaim after the Gamazada but which was never officially inaugurated.
This is a monument that should be visited by all Navarrese, and by all Basques, at some point. It’s a kind of pilgrimage that serves to connect us to the history and the bravery of those Navarrese who defended their freedom for so many generations.
Reading the plaques that line the monument, it’s not hard to understand why the leaders of the Navarrese Government (none of them in over a century) have refused, even passively, to inaugurate this monument.
The new Navarrese Government that will be formed in the next few days, as the new city councils, now have a unique opportunity to give the people of Navarre back their voice which stated, loud and clear over a century ago, what Navarre is.
They said so on those plaques, plaques which, for over a century, the politicians of Navarre looked away from, pretending not to see them while too afraid to take them down.
But the plaques are still there, remind everyone what Navarre is. That is because those plaques are clear as day:
(This monument was erected to symbolize the union of the Navarrese in defense of their freedoms, freedoms even more worthy of love than life itself)2.- “LA INCORPORACIÓN DE NAVARRA A LA CORONA DE CASTILLA FUE POR VÍA DE UNIÓN PRINCIPAL, RETENIENDO CADA REINO SU NATURALEZA ANTIGUA, ASÍ EN LEYES COMO EN TERRITORIO Y GOBIERNO”.
(The incorporation of Navarre into the Kingdom of Castile was due to personal union; each kingdom retained its former nature, as in laws as in territory and government)3.- “JURABAN NUESTROS REYES GUARDAR Y HACER GUARDAR LOS FUEROS, SIN QUEBRANTAMIENTO ALGUNO, MEJORÁNDOLOS SIEMPRE Y NUNCA EMPEORÁNDOLOS, Y QUE TODA TRANSGRESIÓN A ESTE JURAMENTO SERÍA NULA, DE NINGUNA EFICACIA Y VALOR”.
(Our kings swore to abide by our ‘fueros’ and make others abide by them; to never break them; to always improve them and never worsen them; and that any transgression against this oath would null, of no efficacy or value)4.- “GU GAURKO EUSKALDUNOK GURE AITASOEN ILLEZKORREN OROIPENEAN, BILDU GERA EMEN GURE LEGEA GORDE NAI DEGULA ERAKUSTEKO”.
(We, the Basques of today, in everlasting memory of our forebears, do here meet to prove that we want to preserve our law)5.- “GU EUSKALDUNOK BESTE JAUN EZTEGU JAUNGOIKOA BAIZIK, ATZEKOARI OSTATUA EMATEN DEGU ONIRIZKERO BAINO EZTEGU NAI AIEN UZTARRIA JAZAN. ADITU EZAZUE ONDO, GURE SEMEAK”.
We the Basques have no other lord than God. We will warmly receive the foreigner, but we will not bear his yoke. Take close heed, our children.
The Government of Navarre has a debt with the Navarrese: the inauguration of this monument. This debt can be repaid by the newly elected politicians, those who broke a de facto hereditary government that had been controlled by a few families who had kept control of the bodies of the government and Navarrese society as a whole for many generations.
We know there’s a lot to do, but an event like this need not cost too much, nor take too much effort. It would still carry enormous symbolic weight.
The event could even be organized so that the representatives of the cities of Navarre were present, even those on the other side of the Pyrenees, since Upper Navarre is just as much Navarre as Lower Navarre. Those in attendance could even sing the Paloteado de Monteagundo that José “Joselico” Martínez Jarauta sang in 1894, during the days of the Gamazada.
Pues si el Gobierno de España
sigue en sus pretensiones
se tomarán en Navarra
serias determinaciones.
Con Monteagudo, Cascante
Ablitas, también Barillas,
Olite, Tafalla, Estella,
Cortes, Buñuel y Murchante,
formemos una guerrilla
para marchar adelante.
Pues también se nos ofrecen
como si fueran hermanos
los valientes Alaveses,
Vizcaínos y Guipuzcoanos.
Vivan las cuatro provincias
que siempre han estado unidas
y nunca se apartarán
aunque Gamazo lo diga.
Well, if the Government of Spain
Continues on these lines
Serious decisions will be
Made in Navarre
With Monteagudo, Cascante
Ablitas, and also Barillas,
Olite, Tafalla, Estella,
Cortes, Buñuel, and Murchante,
We’ll create a guerrilla
To march forward
Because, as if they were brothers
They also offer us support,
Those brave people of Araba,
Biscay, and Gipuzkoa.
Long live the four province
That have always been united
And will never be separated
Even if Gamazo says so
Long live Navarre and her Fueros!
Last Updated on Dec 20, 2020 by About Basque Country