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Tag: War in the Basque Country

Yet another year, we recall the bombing of Guernica and its...

El Guernica de Picasso
Every April 26, as has become a tradition on the blog, we dedicate a moment to remembering the war crime that was the Bombing of...

March 31—Commemoration of the bombing of Durango: truth, justice, and reparations...

Bombardeo de Durango 31 de marzo de 1937. Imagen tomada por los bombarderos italianos responsables del mismo
Commemoration of the anniversary of the bombing of Durango: yet another massacre carried out by Franco's rebels and allies in the Basque Country

Save the Children! The book about the Basque war children...

Cabecera del artículo sobre el libro "Salvad a los niños" de Gregorio Arrien
The Sabino Arana Foundation is publishing a new digital edition of Gregorio Arrien's book about the Basque war children who took refuge in Great Britain

More info about the Basque Boys who triumphed at King Arthur’s...

The Basque Boys: Enrique Garatea, third right, back row (Credit:The Richard Burton Archives, Swansea University and Gaizka Garamendi of the Basque Children of ’37 Association)
More info about the Basque Boys who triumphed at King Arthur's Court in the Welsh daily Nation Cymru

85th anniversary of the Bombing of Guernica: verifications and one surprise

Gernika 1937 tras el bombardeo
On the 85th anniversary of the Bombing of Guernica, we check that totalitarianism's techniques are still alive, and the day surprises us with a condemnation

The 85th anniversary of the Bombing of Otxandio: when the truth...

Otxandio en los años 20
Historian Xabier Irujo dismantles all the lies around the bombing of Otxandio that were spread by Francoist historians

A historical document: 3′ 25″ of film of the arrival of...

Fotograma del documental que nos muestra la llegada del Habana a  Gran Bretaña
The Wessex Film and Sound Archive has shared a documentary about the arrival of the Basque children to Southampton aboard the 'Habana' on May 23, 1937

84th anniversary of the Bombing of Guernica, and it is essential...

On the anniversary of the Bombing of Guernica, we bring you the website the Center for Basque Studies at the University of Nevada, Reno has published about the event

The Basque connection with Edith Pretty that’s not told in Netflix’s...

Edith Pretty  retrato del British Museum
The Basque Children of '37 Association shares with us the story of Edith Pretty, the protagonist of the Netflix film "The Dig", and a hero of the Basque war children in the UK

“Havens East” at Anglia Ruskin University. The memory of the...

Llegada de los niños vascos de la guerra al campamento en Gran Bretaña
We have to admit, we don't know what happens to all the profits from the so-called National Lottery in Spain end up, but according...