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Tag: vascos en Europa

A 15th-century Basque ship found in Newport: the largest 3D puzzle...

This is what builders uncovered in 2002 when constructing a new theatre in Newport
A 15th-century Basque shipwreck found in Newport is now under reconstruction: the largest 3D puzzle in the world!

“Javier de Landaburu (1907–1963). Al servicio de la causa vasca”, a...

Javier de Landaburu en la sede del Gobierno Vasco en el exilio (rue Singer)
Historian Leyre Arrieta has just published a book analyzing Javier de Landaburu, a key figure in Basque history

“To Say Goodbye”, the documentary about the Basque War Children, is...

Documental «To Say Goodbye» sobre los niños vascos de la guerra refugiados en Gran Bretaña
Back in 2012, we shared the documentary "To Say Goodbye" when the BBC told us how, after a long, obstacle-filled road, it was finally...

A medieval Basque ship is a treasure in Newport: another hidden...

Newport ship by David Jordan
This article was translated by John R. Bopp We've spoken before about this ship found at the bottom of Newport harbor.  This Welsh port city is...