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Tag: Spanish Civil War

Lest We Forget: March 5, 1937, the Battle of Cape Matxitxako

Bou Nabarra durante el combate de Matxitxako Cuadro de David Cobb Encargo del Instituto Bidasoa
On March 5, 1937, a handful of Basque sailors wrote a glorious page in the history of our nation just off Cape Matxitxako

Yet another year, we recall the bombing of Guernica and its...

El Guernica de Picasso
Every April 26, as has become a tradition on the blog, we dedicate a moment to remembering the war crime that was the Bombing of...

March 31—Commemoration of the bombing of Durango: truth, justice, and reparations...

Bombardeo de Durango 31 de marzo de 1937. Imagen tomada por los bombarderos italianos responsables del mismo
Commemoration of the anniversary of the bombing of Durango: yet another massacre carried out by Franco's rebels and allies in the Basque Country

Two books to learn the story of the Basque War Children...

Niños vascos de la Guerra en Jersón 1937.  Del lobor «Niños Vascos Evacuados En 1937.  Album Historico«
We bring you two books by historian Gregorio Arren about the Basque war children which have been out of print for years

Ukraine 1937—Basque Country 2023: Solidarity must go both ways

Niños vascos de la Guerra en Jersón 1937.  Del lobor «Niños Vascos Evacuados En 1937.  Album Historico«
In a book by Gregorio Arrien about the Basque War Children, we came across a series of photos which, despite dating from 1937, are still meaningful today

Lest We Forget: March 5, 1937, the Battle of Cape Matxitxako

Izada de la Ikurriña en el Bou Gipuzkoa, unidad de la Armada Auxiliar de Euzkadi.Febrero 37
On March 5, 1937, a handful of Basque sailors wrote a glorious page in the history of our nation just off Cape Matxitxako

When First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt met her adopted Basque son

Eleanor Roosevelt en su visita a Gran Bretaña de 1942 con sus hijos «adoptados»
In November 1942, the First Lady of the United States traveled to Great Britain, in part to meet the children she had "adopted"

More info about the Basque Boys who triumphed at King Arthur’s...

The Basque Boys: Enrique Garatea, third right, back row (Credit:The Richard Burton Archives, Swansea University and Gaizka Garamendi of the Basque Children of ’37 Association)
More info about the Basque Boys who triumphed at King Arthur's Court in the Welsh daily Nation Cymru

85th anniversary of the Bombing of Guernica: verifications and one surprise

Gernika 1937 tras el bombardeo
On the 85th anniversary of the Bombing of Guernica, we check that totalitarianism's techniques are still alive, and the day surprises us with a condemnation

Basque Country 1937–Ukraine 2022: Totalitarianism has not stopped killing, or lying

Masacre de civiles ucranianos Bucha
President Zelenskiy has compared what has been happening in some Ukrainian cities with what happened in Guernica: the massacre of civilians by occupying troops