Tag: Solidaridad
Two books to learn the story of the Basque War Children...
We bring you two books by historian Gregorio Arren about the Basque war children which have been out of print for years
Ukraine 1937—Basque Country 2023: Solidarity must go both ways
In a book by Gregorio Arrien about the Basque War Children, we came across a series of photos which, despite dating from 1937, are still meaningful today
Sullivan de Prendrgast, the Irishman who fought with the Basques against...
More information about "Jack" Sullivan de Prendrgast, the Irishman who fought with the Basques in their struggle against fascism in the Irrintzi Battalion
The Gernika 80 Committee: remembering the Bombing, with a Tree of...
This article was translated by John R. Bopp
Over the last few months, a group of people in Dublin have gotten together to organize the Gernika...
Jack Prendergast: the Irishman who fought for the Basque Country in...
This article was translated by John R. Bopp
The Irish daily The Irish Times has just published an article this afternoon that tells the story of...