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Tag: History of the Basques

From Nevada: a extraordinary summary of “The Spirit of the Basques”

This article was translated by John R. Bopp The Center for Basque Studies at the University of Nevada, Reno has been cited on many occasions in...

Who the peninsular Basques are: the teachings of History (from Peru)

Fragment of the map by Willem Blaeu. "Regnorum Hispanae nova descriptio." From Nouvel Atlas. Amsterdam: Willem & Joan Blaeu, 1643-50. 14 3/4 x 19 1/4. Engraving
This article was translated by Joseba Varela In this day and age, certain voices are casting doubt on which territories actually conform the Basque homeland in...

The Basque Hero for the State of Israel

His name was Esteban Hernandorena Zubiaga; he was born in Muskiz, Biscay in 1905, and died in Haifa, Israel in 1965.  His story is one...

The Basque Los Angeles County Sheriff

This article was translated by John R. Bopp We can imagine the story of Eugene Warren Biscailuz (1883-1969), the Basque-American Sheriff of Los Angeles County, is...

The Basque Press Office: a “light of democracy” during 31 years...

El Lehendakari Agirre con miembros de su gobierno en la sede del Gobierno Vasco en el exilio de la Avenue Marceau de París. Foto: Fondo María Goñi-Doroteo Ziaurriz
This article was translated by John R. Bopp An article on the radio broadcaster of the Basque Government in exile The Basque Press Office (Oficina de Prensa para...

Yes, they’re guilty, because they’re Basque, ‘abertzales’, ‘gudaris’, anti-fascists, and members...

Los primeros voluntarios del  batallón Arana Goiri.
This article was translated by John R. Bopp I've been thinking about the articles and reports popping up about "The Basque Swastika", which was presented at...

The BNP/PNV, the swastika, Sweden, the Basques, “good Spaniards”, Orson Welles,...

This article was translated by John R. Bopp This documentary will air on ETB2 at 10:00pm on Monday, January 6, 2013 A personal reflection about this documentary...

The Gypsies who became bertsolaris and their “mixed language” that’s going...

Familia de gitanos vascos (principios del siglo XX)
This article was translated by John R. Bopp From a chance encounter on the website Ethnologue.com, which we’ve referred to before because of their unique definition...

Monument to the Navarrese Fueros: “We, the Basques of today”…

Plaza del Monumento a los fueros donde los navarros se defien como vascos
This article was translated by John R. Bopp (originally published in Spanish here). At the end of the 19th century, when the wounds of the last Carlist...

St. Francis Xavier was NOT born in Spain; St. Francis Xavier...

  This article was translated by John R. Bopp Brought up by the choice of the new Pope to call himself Francis, several media outlets have been...