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Tag: History of the Basques

Basque sheepherders’ arborglyphs in the Far West are a heritage that...

Arboglifo. Talla de un ciervo en el tronco de un álamo temblón en el este de las Montañas Cascade, Bosque Nacional Lassen. Foto de T. Rickman, Servicio Forestal Nacional de EE. UU
The National Archives is supporting three universities to collect and preserve the tree engravings of Basque sheepherders in the Far West

March 31—Commemoration of the bombing of Durango: truth, justice, and reparations...

Bombardeo de Durango 31 de marzo de 1937. Imagen tomada por los bombarderos italianos responsables del mismo
Commemoration of the anniversary of the bombing of Durango: yet another massacre carried out by Franco's rebels and allies in the Basque Country

Basque whalers in Iceland on the website of the US Library...

Mapa de Islandia Abraham Ortelius 1587 Ruderman Antique Maps Inc
The blog of the Library of Congress has dedicated an entry to the 32 Basque whalers who were killed in Iceland in 1615

March 7, 1875, birth of Maurice Ravel, a Basque hidden from...

Maurice Ravel frente a su casa natal en Ziburu
March 7, 1875, birth of Maurice Ravel, a Basque hidden from the view of all…even the Basques themselves. We want everyone to remember him

Lest We Forget: March 5, 1937, the Battle of Cape Matxitxako

Izada de la Ikurriña en el Bou Gipuzkoa, unidad de la Armada Auxiliar de Euzkadi.Febrero 37
On March 5, 1937, a handful of Basque sailors wrote a glorious page in the history of our nation just off Cape Matxitxako

When First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt met her adopted Basque son

Eleanor Roosevelt en su visita a Gran Bretaña de 1942 con sus hijos «adoptados»
In November 1942, the First Lady of the United States traveled to Great Britain, in part to meet the children she had "adopted"

National Geographic takes us whaling with the 16th-century Basque whalers

National Geographic, artículo sobre la Nao San Juan y los balleneros vascos
An interactive article about Basque whalers and the ship 'San Juan' brings us closer to the epic journeys taken by Basque whalers in the 16th century

So why are there so many Basque restaurants in the American...

Tasting Table has published an interesting article covering the reasons which explain the important presence of Basque cuisine in the US

A 15th-century Basque ship found in Newport: the largest 3D puzzle...

This is what builders uncovered in 2002 when constructing a new theatre in Newport
A 15th-century Basque shipwreck found in Newport is now under reconstruction: the largest 3D puzzle in the world!

The Hand of Irulegi is being covered by US public radio

Imagen de la Mano de Irulegi (Sociedad Aranzadi)
Reports on the discovery of the Hand of Irulegi are being covered by US public radio stations in areas with a Basque presence