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Tag: Guerra civil

Basque Country 1937–Ukraine 2022: Totalitarianism has not stopped killing, or lying

Masacre de civiles ucranianos Bucha
President Zelenskiy has compared what has been happening in some Ukrainian cities with what happened in Guernica: the massacre of civilians by occupying troops

An introduction to the first lehendakari and his flight through Nazi...

Jose Antonio Aguirre disfrazado de José Andrés Álvarez de la Lastra, ciudadano panameño, para huir de los nazis
Historian Ingo Niebel is presenting his book about Lehendakari Aguirre's flight through Occupied Europe to escape Nazi and Francoist persecution

Oct. 7, 1936, when Lehendakari Aguirre’s oath changed the history of...

Juramento del Lehendakari Aguirre Foto: Sabino Arana Fundazioa)
On October 7, 1936, José Antonio Aguirre swore the oath of the Lehendakari of the Basque Government, kicking off a new era in our country

Aguirre. Reading and reflections about the New World republics from...

Aguirre y Persson con sus familias, en Göteborg, en junio de 1941 © Sabino Arana Fundazioa
Andoni Ortuzar analyzes Lehendakari Aguirre's readings while hiding from the Gestapo in Europe and his thoughts on the republics of the New World

The 85th anniversary of the Bombing of Otxandio: when the truth...

Otxandio en los años 20
Historian Xabier Irujo dismantles all the lies around the bombing of Otxandio that were spread by Francoist historians

The Delegation of the Basque Government in Paris. 1951-2021. 70 years...

Aguirre, en su despacho de la delegación del Gobierno vasco en París. A la derecha, Urkullu y Ortuzar frente a la sede.
Exactly 70 years ago, the French Government expropriated the building where the Basque Government had established its Delegation in Paris and gave it to the Francoists…and it's never been returned

A historical document: 3′ 25″ of film of the arrival of...

Fotograma del documental que nos muestra la llegada del Habana a  Gran Bretaña
The Wessex Film and Sound Archive has shared a documentary about the arrival of the Basque children to Southampton aboard the 'Habana' on May 23, 1937

84th anniversary of the Bombing of Guernica, and it is essential...

On the anniversary of the Bombing of Guernica, we bring you the website the Center for Basque Studies at the University of Nevada, Reno has published about the event

On April 14, we pay homage to the Spanish Republic, and...

La Republica vasca ANTONIO DE GUEZALA, 1931.
Today, April 14, we celebrate the 90th anniversary of the proclamation of the Spanish Republic, which reminds us Basques that we still don't have a republic of our own

Sullivan de Prendrgast, the Irishman who fought with the Basques against...

ikurriña del batallón irrintzi con arpa irlandesa
More information about "Jack" Sullivan de Prendrgast, the Irishman who fought with the Basques in their struggle against fascism in the Irrintzi Battalion