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Tag: Europa

Data to know “our place in the world” (or at least...

Union Europea Human resources in science and technology, 2018
Eurostat offers us magnificent tools to know where we as a Euro-region are within the European Union thanks to easy-to-understand data

László Pesty introduces the “Sign It Europe” citizen initiative, to make...

László Pesty
László Pesty, head of the Sign It Europe initiative campaign, explains its goals, tells us of its success, and asks us to make its success even more resounding with our signatures

A Basque network to promote “Industry 4.0” is a finalist at...

DIH Champions Challenge 2020
A Basque network to promote "Industry 4.0" is a finalist at the DIHNET.EU Innovation Hub Network Challenge

Sign to have the EU back the equality of its regions...

Mapa de la Europa de los Pueblos
Sign the petition to support a Europe-wide initiative to ask the EU to guarantee the survival of its minority nations

Ireland is eyeing the port of Bilbao as one of its...

More ships are run in early 2021 between Rosslare, Cherbourg and Bilbao Euronews
Euronews describes the sitution Irish imports and exports are going through with the new reality of Brexist, choosing Bilbao as one of their new direct mainland connections

The Irish press and its surprising opinion about the evacuation of...

El Habana el buque que llevó a los niños vascos a Gran Bretaña
  This article was translated by John R. Bopp Not too long ago, we discussed an interesting article published in the Swiss daily Basler Zeitung, written by...

Basques are from “the day before yesterday”, or science and populism

Imágen de una de las zonas de excavacion de Atapuerca
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Note: a few days after writing this, we couldn’t resist bringing back a story on another article in...

Stepping back for a clearer perspective: the situation of the Basques,...

Situación del Indice de Desarrollo Humano en la Unión Europea2014
This article was translated by John R. Bopp   Our day-to-day life can oftentimes keep us from seeing problems with the proper perspective, because our day-to-day life...

The Basque paradigm: the debate about Basque specificity is over

This article was translated by John R. Bopp Basques don’t have any relevant genetic differences with Spaniards.  That’s what was published just over two years ago...