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Tag: Basque chronicles

Basque trade with the United States during the 18th century: a...

Desembarco de tropas británicas en Boston (1768), grabado de Paul Revere. Dominio público
A UPV project studies the trade and diplomatic relationships forged between the Basque Country and the United States in the 18th century

ECHANDIA: The Basque name for a Swedish company creating zero-emissions energy...

Ferry eléctrico Movitz de la empresa sueca Echandia
Unai Aranzadi tells us why a leading Swedish company in designing zero-emissions energy systems has a Basque name

Basque Chronicles: Merchants and Administrators: the role of the Basques in...

Vista de Lima a Finales del siglo XVIII
We've often spoken here on the blog about the role the Basques played in colonial Latin America.  In the more than three centuries separating...

The Irujo Brothers, Manuel, Andrés María, and Pello, in memory of...

Mikel Ezkerro was born in Rawson, Chacabuco, Buenos Aires province, and studied at the Jesuit school in Bilbao, in the Basque Country.  He continued...

How the Basques became appreciated immigrants in the American West. ...

Basque Immigrants and Nevad’s Sheep Industry Iker Saitua
IKER SAITUA is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of History at the University of California, Riverside and the University of the Basque Country...

Elsa Artadi: will a Basque oak take root in the Government...

La "saga" Artadi: el bisabuelo y la biznieta
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Unai Aranzadi, the author of this article, on the Basque roots of Elsa Artadi, is a war reporter,...

A Norwegian sea dog in Bilbao’s Norway

A Norwegian sea dog in Bilbao's Norway
This article was translated by John R. Bopp Unai Aranzadi is again collaborating with our blog bringing us a look into one of the most colorful...

References to the Basque Country in modern popular culture – An incomplete...

"The Very Old Folk"- H.P Lovecraft
“Hartza Salazar” is a Basque living outside the borders of our country who read, as he tells us, a few days ago, our article...

Mark Bieter. “That right now could be the best time in...

La ikurriña, junto a las banderas de Idaho y EEUU al viento en el Capitolio del Estado de Idaho.
Mark Bieter is an attorney and writer in Washington, D.C.  He is the co-author of An Enduring Legacy: The Story of Basques in Idaho. ...