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Tag: Arantzazu

Presenting the Summary Video for the Day of the Diaspora 2020

Día de la Diaspora 2020. Las mujeres han sido en Euzkadi y en el mundo l fuerza que ha unido a nuestra nación
The Basque Government has just debuted the video summarizing the contributions of the Basque community abroad to the celebration of the 2020 Day of the Basque Diaspora

Day of the Basque Diaspora 2020. An impassioned Passionist...

Mensaje del Obispo del Vicariato de Yurimaguas, Jesús María Aristín, en el Día de la Diáspora Vasca 2020. jpg
As we mentioned in the blog entry where we presented the events that will be held in the Day of the Basque Diaspora 2020, the...

Two Videos to Discover the “Colegio de las Vizcaínas” in Mexico,...

A year ago, we wrote an article to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the founding of the Colegio de San Ignacio or "Colegio de las...

The Burial Places of the Basques in Lima, Desecrated to Become...

catacumbas de la Iglesia de San Francisco en Lima
Our regular readers will remember the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Aranzazu of Lima, as we've mentioned them several times.  If you're not familiar,...

Basques united to create a community kitchen/school/restaurant in one of the...

Gastón Acurio y Karlos Argiñano en la entrada de CONVIDA
Today we'd like to bring you the news of the community kitchen / school / restaurant that was opened in 2019 by Basque-Peruvian Gastón...

120 years of the birth of Martín Elorza, a key figure...

Moseñor Elorza (izquierda), un joven Miguel irizar , el que luego sería obispo de Yurimaguas (derecha). en el centro el  padre Andrés Asenjo, uno de los primeros pasionistas que llegaron a la selva peruana
A few months ago, we brought you a blog entry on the epic work of the Basque Passionists in the Peruvian Amazon jungle, heroic...

Fiftieth Anniversary of the Placing of the Jorge Oteiza Sculptures at...

This article was translated by John R. Bopp On this day in 1969, extraordinary Basque artist Jorge Oteiza put the finishing touches on one of the most...

A response from Peru to the libel against the Day of...

Recibimiento al Lehendakari Aguirre en Lima durante su gira americana de 1942. FONDO EDITORIAL REVISTA OIGA
This article was translated by John R. Bopp On September 16, the Spanish dialy El Español published an article by Pedro José Chacón Delgado, professor of History of...

Lima, August 30: a date that recalls the resilience of the...

Recipiente para los Santos Óleos. Hermandad de Nuestra Señora de Aranzatzu de Lima Siglo XVII. Una de las pocas propiedades que no fueron expropiadas
This year, at the end of August, we'd like to state for the record what happened on August 30, 1866, which was a clear...

An Euzko Etxea borne of the more than four centuries of...

Update: Limako Arantzazu Euzko Etxea has been recognized as a Basque Center by the Basque Government Few Basque institutions have survived and thrived over four...