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Tag: AboutBC

WhatsApp Channel: a new way to stay up-to-date with the website

We've created two WhatsApp channels (one in Spanish and the other in English). A new way to stay up-to-date with the latest on the website

Zorionak eta Urte Berri On! With two marvelous versions of “Txoria...

Felicitación 2024
We would like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas, and send our best wishes for 2024 to all, with two versions of "Txoria, Txori" to ring in the new year!

Feedspot has catalogued us as one of the 20 best blogs...

Una imagen del blog aboutbasquecountry.eus, reconocido por Feedspot
Feedspot has drawn up a list of the 20 best websites and blogs in English about Basques, and not only are we in sixth place, we're the highest-rated non-governmental site!

Our ten most-read articles…so far

cabecera los más leídos
Since we started this blog in 2010, these have been the most-read articles; just by themselves, they've been read over a million times