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Tag: Basque whalers

Cider has been “protecting” Basque sailors for centuries

Basque galleons ride at anchor in Red Bay, Labrador (historimuseum.ca)
This article was translated by John R. Bopp BlitzLift is a website that collects "info pills" about history, science, and curiosities.  We could spend hours discovering...

Two young Basque women are sharing our traditions at the Fortress...

This article was translated by John R. Bopp Canadian public broadcaster CBC has brought us a fabulous report about two young Basque students working there...

A ‘trainera’ has been chosen to set a new Loch Ness...

Jock Wishart - Loch Ness-A practise row for the crew of the Trainera rowing boat.
This article was translated by John R. Bopp The Scottish daily Inverness Courier has just published an article about the upcoming attempt to break the record...

In Saint Pierre and Miquelon: manufacturing a Basque ax as was...

© SPM LA 1ÈRE A l'occasion des journées européennes du patrimoine, le public a pu assister à la fabrication d'une réplique d'une hache d'origine basque dans la Forge Lebailly.
This article was translated by John R. Bopp An interesting story out of the islands of Saint Pierre and Miquelon, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, just...

A medieval Basque ship is a treasure in Newport: another hidden...

Newport ship by David Jordan
This article was translated by John R. Bopp We've spoken before about this ship found at the bottom of Newport harbor.  This Welsh port city is...

‘New York Times’: Cider in the Basque Country is a pleasure,...

At Petritegi, as at other cider houses, how you fill your glass is an essential skill.CreditDaniel Rodrigues for The New York Times
This article was translated by John R. Bopp The New York Times is once again dedicating an article to us, this time, in their Travel section, penned...

Tonight, a “Basque” girl could be Miss Canada World 2017!

Just over a year ago, we told you about the passing of Elsie Basque, a woman who belonged to the Mi’kmaq nation, one of...

Placentia, Canada and Plentzia, Basque Country, are now sister cities

El acto de la firma del acta de hermanamiento entre Plentzia y Placentia
This article was translated by John R. Bopp We’ve spoken on many occasions about the profound mark the Basques have left on the Atlantic coast of...

The Basque Presence in Newfoundland and Labrador Goes Well Beyond Red...

This article was translated by John R. Bopp We've blogged before about the centuries-long presence of Basque whalers and fishermen on the Atlantic coast of what...

Basque whaling boats, from the depths of history to an homage...

Given its design and handling, they've been called the "race cars" of the 16th century, and have been such an essential part to the...