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About Basque Country has become a go-to site visited by tens of thousands of people every month.  Keeping it up and running, with regular fresh content, demands a considerable amount of time and effort, which we’re thrilled to give.

We’re convinced that many of our readers would be happy to contribute to help us cover the costs that running a website generates, and to help us push forward to projects we’d like to get going.

That’s why we’re asking for your contributions.  All are gladly received, and will really help us maintain and improve what we do here every day.

The thousands of readers to come to our website every day are fundamental to keeping it alive.  But now, your financial contributions will go that little bit further to keeping About Basque Country running smoothly.

If you’d like to do it with a bank transfer, get in touch with us (contacto@aboutbasquecountry.eus)

From €1, to infinity and beyond!

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Asociación Euskadi Munduan Elkartea