We’d like to share some information with our readers about the first four months of 2020.  For us, it’s information that confirms that About Basque Country is a leader when it comes to sharing information about all things Basque with the world.

Our success is due not only to the team making the site, but indeed (and especially) to the many readers who visit us every day, allowing us to, for example, reach almost 300,000 views from January through April.  Of them, over 160,000 were from outside the Basque Country itself.

We wanted to share the big numbers about the blog, so you can see the evolution of this project all your visits are helping build.

We’d also like to ask you, if you like what we do, to show your support!  You can play a direct role in helping develop the site by making a donation.

Every contribution is important, and a key part of helping us keep this site running, improving it every day.

The thousands of readers who visit our site every day are fundamental for keeping the site going.  But now, we’d appreciate your economic collaboration as well, to keep the servers running here at About Basque Country.

From €1 “to infinity and beyond”

You can even help out with a monthly donation!

Last Updated on Dec 20, 2020 by About Basque Country

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