This article was translated by John R. Bopp
We’ve spoken here before about espadrilles and how they’re one of the markers of identity in our country. In the Northern Basque Country, and more specifically in Soule, their manufacture is part of the local culture.
A few days ago, we took advantage of a video filmed at the Pamplona Bullring to talk about the San Fermín Festival, while remembering its roots and its connections to Pamplona, Navarre, and the rest of our brethren territories abroad.
Today, we’re going to take advantage of a report in the French daily Le Matin to remember another city festival that starts on July 26, one of the most popular in all the Land of the Basques: the Bayonne City Festival. We’d also like to remember that footwear that’s gone from being the working class’s normal shoes to an element of fashion.
This report talks about the championship that is going to be held during the festivities, which looks to find who is the best espadrille thrower. The first championship, held in 2015, saw Hendaye rugby player Jérôme Bainçonau set a record that, as far as we know, is still unbeaten: 24,70 meters (81’ 0.4”).
L’Histoire retiendra le nom de Jérôme Bainçonau, 1er champion du Pays basque d’espadrille. #FDB2015 #artiste
— Pierre Penin (@PierrePenin) 30 de julio de 2015
We also find the trophy that was given out that first year interesting. You can see it in our lead image. It’s yet another of numerous examples of to what degree the Basques in the Northern Basque Country see their country as one whole.
Le Matin – 23/7/2017 – Francia
Pendant que Chris Froome sillonne la France en jaune, pendant que les footeux suisses retrouvent les stades de Super League et pendant que les tenmiswomen s’égosillent dans l’enceinte déserte et silencieuse du Gstaad, il y a aussi du sport. Du vrai. De l’authentique. Avec la quête d’un record à la clé.
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France Bleu – 31/7/2015 – Francia
24 mètres 70 record à battre pour le lancer d’espadrille
Lors de cette édition 2015 les Fêtes de Bayonne proposaient un concours de lancer d’espadrille ! C’était jeudi porte d’Espagne avec la victoire de Jérôme Bainçonau, rugbyman hendayais, grâce à un jet à 24,70m.
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Last Updated on Dec 20, 2020 by About Basque Country