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Tag: Basque Nationalism

The ‘pollo al batzoki’ recipe by the “Marchioness of Parabere”

El pollo al batzoki es un clásico de la cocina del País Vasco.Fuente: YouTubeAutor: Con cacharros y a lo loco
'Pollo al batzoki': a Basque chicken recipe that's quite unique, with an amazing history behind it, first published by a woman with an equally amazing story

Florencio de Basaldua, the man who dreamed of uniting the Basque...

Florencio Basaldúa en la casa de la estancia %22Sol de Mayo%22 en Rawson
The ADNSUR+ website shares the story of the man who dreamed of united the Basque people of Chubut at the end of the 19th century

2022 Day of Europe: The future is in your (our) hands

Declaracion Schuman, 9 de mayo de 1950
In a year as special as this, 2022, we share our thoughts for the first time about the Day of Europe

On the anniversary of the Spanish Federal Council of the European...

Sede de la Delegación del Gobierno vasco en París, el día de su liberación por los aliados.
On the anniversary of the Spanish Federal Council of the European Movement. The Spanish Government has still not returned the headquarters of the Basque Government in Paris

Holocaust Remembrance Day: Basque nationalism against Nazism in the 1930s

Auschwitz el día de su liberación
On Holocaust Remembrance Day, we analyze the position Basque nationalism took against Nazism in the 1930s thanks to the writings of J. Aitzol

The Basques building a united Europe: a “Basque Chronicle” by Iñaki...

Foto del congreso de fundación de la Democracia Cristiana italiana 1946 (con representantes vascos)
In this op-ed, Iñaki Anasagasti recounts the role Basque nationalism played in building a united Europe

July 9th: the Commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the first...

La Ikurriña en el Euskaldun Batzokija de Bilbao (14/7/1894) y en el Laurak Bat de Buenos Aires (9/7/1921)
On July 9th, the Laurak Bat Center in Buenos Aires is going to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the first time the Ikurriña was raised there

The Havana Jai Alai, the Tree of Guernica, and Cuban Independence...

Calle Belascoain de La Habana. Del documental "Belascoain" primera entrega de la serie Siete Calles de la Habana de Angel Gonzalez Katarain
This article was translated by John R. Bopp There are times we find a loose thread in an article, and when we pull on it a...

The Havana Wedding of a Friend of Hemingway’s, Officiated by the...

They say an amazing story is just the antechamber to an even more amazing story.  The other day, we posted one of those entries...

They weren’t “Nationalists”, they were “Insurgents”, or simply “Fascists”

"Rough Guides", the website of a guidebook publishing house with more than thirty years of history, has recently been completely redesigned.  Taking a virtual...