Martxoaren 10ean, Delhiko Shiv Nadar Unibertsitateak antolatuta, Urban Experiences: Bilbao & Delhi tailerra egin da, eta hantxe aztertu dira hainbat gai: Zonifikazioa eta Hirigintza, Ingurumena eta Kutsadura, Gobernantza Urbanoa, espazio publikoak eta Estetika Publikoak. Tailerrak xedetzat izan zuen Bilbo eta Delhi arteko ideia eta esperientzia elkartrukea egitea.

Tailer horren antolatzailea gure webgunea aspalditik jarraitzen dutenen ezagun zahar bat izan da: Dipankar Gupta.

Sarrera honetan esaten genuenez, 2013ko uztailean Revolution from Above — India’s Future and the Citizen Elite izeneko liburua argitaratu zuen. Han aztertzen da bere herrialdeko elite sozialek duten erantzukizuna, edozein herrialdetan bezala, gizarteko hobekuntza sozialak gidatzeko. Liburu horren azken kapituluari izenburu hau jarri zion: The Basque in Spain: From a Basket Case to a Model of Development. Hor aipatzen da kontuan hartzeko eredu gisa, gizarteko liderrek egin duten lana Euskaldunen Herriko parte hori 70eko bukaera eta 80ko hasierako krisitik atera eta nazioartean erreferente bihurtzeko, ekonomian, kulturan eta gizartean.

Hurrengo egunean, han partaide zirenak Ashish Khetan-ekin batzartu ziren, hau izanik Delhi Dialogue Commission-en presidenteordea (DDC), horri adierazteko Bilboko hiriak duen ekimena, zaharberritzearekin eta gobernantza urbanoarekin loturik. Eztabaidagai nagusiak hauek: ibaiaren ertzaren kudeaketa, hondakinen kudeaketa, kultura iraunaraztea, eta aire-uren kutsadura, besteak beste.

Euskal ordezkaritzaren buru izan ziren Ibone Bengoetxea, Bilboko Udaleko alkateordea eta Mikel Burzako, Lehendakaritzako Koordinazio Zuzendaria.


BW SmartCities – 12/3/2015 – India

Shiv Nadar University organises Bilbao-Delhi workshop on urban rejuvenation

Shiv Nadar University organised a workshop titled ‘Urban Experiences: Bilbao & Delhi’ to discuss the issues of Zoning & Urban Planning, Environment & Pollution, Urban Governance, Public Spaces & Public Aesthetics. The workshop was aimed at exchanging ideas and urban experiences of Bilbao – in Spain’s Basque Country – and Delhi. Hosted by the Centre for Public Affairs and Critical Theory (C-PACT) of the University, the workshop was attended by the representatives of the Basque Government from Spain; Miguel Burzako, Cabinet Member, Ibone Bengoetxe, Deputy Mayor, and Gemma Rojo, Assistant Mayor, while the Indian delegation comprised of Professor Dipankar Gupta Distinguished Professor & Director of C-PACT, Professor Shubhashis Gangopadhyay, Economist and Director, SHSS among others.

(Sigue) (Traducción automática)


The Hindu – 117372015 – India

Spanish delegation discusses urban rejuvenation with DDC

A delegation of experts from the Spanish town of Bilbao, which was ravaged by floods in 1983 and has since been rebuilt, shared its views on urban rejuvenation with the recently-appointed Delhi Dialogue Commission (DDC) on Tuesday, while laying emphasis on the local-level initiatives for urban planning and zoning. The representatives of the Basque Government from Spain attended a workshop on “Urban experiences: Bilbao and Delhi”, organised by the Centre for Public Affairs and Critical Theory of Shiv Nadar University, where they interacted with DDC member-secretary Ashish Joshi.

(Sigue) (Traducción automática)


The Tribune India – 1173/2015 -India

Spanish, Indian experts discuss urban growth

Correlating experiences of two cities — Bilbao (Spain) and Delhi — Shiv Nadar University (SNU) brought together experts from the two countries to exchange their ideas and experiences on urban development.A two-day workshop, ‘Urban Experiences: Bilbao & Delhi’, enabled participants from the two countries to exchange ideas and urban experiences of Bilbao and Delhi. The issues ranged from zoning, urban planning, environment and pollution to urban governance, public spaces and public aesthetics.

(Sigue) (Traducción automática)


Last Updated on Abe 21, 2020 by About Basque Country

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