Tag: misioneros
On April 9, 2022, Pope Francis has named Mons. Elorza “Venerable”
Today, the news announced a month ago has come true: Pope Francis has signed the decree recognizing Monsignor Elorza as "Venerable"
A Missionary’s Greetings from the Bishop of Yurimaguas on the Day...
The Bishop of Yurimaguas, Basque Passionist Jesús María Aristín, sends greetings and blessings to the global Basque Community
Father Arrupe in the Bombing of Hiroshima and the Basque who...
76 years ago, the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, where Basque Jesuit priest Pedro Arrupe was
Presenting the Summary Video for the Day of the Diaspora 2020
The Basque Government has just debuted the video summarizing the contributions of the Basque community abroad to the celebration of the 2020 Day of the Basque Diaspora
Day of the Basque Diaspora 2020. An impassioned Passionist...
As we mentioned in the blog entry where we presented the events that will be held in the Day of the Basque Diaspora 2020, the...