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Tag: Democracia

50 years since the Añoveros homily: a forgotten anniversary?

Portada de Diario16 (1983)Caso Añoveros
February 24th marked the 50th anniversary of the Añoveros homily: a key moment in our history that went by unnoticed(?)

Basque Country 1937–Ukraine 2022: Totalitarianism has not stopped killing, or lying

Masacre de civiles ucranianos Bucha
President Zelenskiy has compared what has been happening in some Ukrainian cities with what happened in Guernica: the massacre of civilians by occupying troops

The murders of Espinosa and Lauaxeta; police and GAL victims, and...

Dana emon biar yako matte dan azkatasunari In his memory, we again with all our readers that which he dreamed of: Health and a Basque...