The Italian B-Corp website Life Gate has just published an interesting article by Gloria Schiavi on how Vitoria-Gasteiz draws in visitors who are looking for a city that respects nature and is built on a human scale.  Not for nothing was Vitoria the Green Capital of Europe in 2012.

In addition to talking about the city, the article also “visits” two very interesting points in Álava: the Rioja Alavesa and Salina de Añana.

We’ve found this to be a warmly written article by a journalist who enjoyed what she saw and lived.  It’s clear that, for visitors, one of the most powerful distinguishing features of this Basque city is its long tradition for respect for the environment and for being a city designed for and around people.  This can clearly be seen in the many articles we’ve collected over the years.

We’re sure the Italian readers of the magazine will add Vitoria-Gasteiz to their must-visit lists.

Life Gate – 23/12/2021 – Italy

Vitoria-Gasteiz, gioiello dal cuore verde nei Paesi Baschi

Con i suoi innumerevoli parchi, una cintura verde che circonda la città, una capillare rete ciclabile e una regione che vanta numerose zone protette, la città spagnola di Vitoria-Gasteiz ha fatto della sostenibilità e del turismo green la propria bandiera. A suggellare questo impegno sono i riconoscimenti ottenuti nel 2012 di Capitale verde europea da parte dell’Ue, e nel 2019 di Città verde globale assegnato dal Global forum on human settlements per la realizzazione degli Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile e dell’Agenda 2030.

(Follow) (Automatic translation)

Last Updated on Dec 23, 2021 by About Basque Country

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