WBUR is the public broadcaster at the University of Boston, and is part of National Public Radio, which we’ve referenced many times before.

It’s the largest of the three public broadcasters in that city, and many of the programs it produces are retransmitted all over the United States.  Among them is “Only a Game”, shared with 289 affiliate stations across the country every Saturday.

This week’s program aired a report by Maya Kroth about chef and pelotari Mikel Larregi Sistiaga.  Born in Saint-Jean-de-Luz, he fell in love with cesta punta as a child, and decided to train as a chef in San Sebastian.

In this report, he shares the path that took him from his childhood on the Basque Coast to becoming a professional jai alai player at the México Frontón, which we’ve also mentioned before.

On this broadcaster’s website, we can also hear, or read, this report, which we found highly interesting.

WBUR – 31/1/2020 – USA

A Basque Expat Finds A Home In Mexico City … Thanks To Jai Alai

For much of the 20th century, the sport of jai alai was a big deal — not just in Basque Country, where it originated, but around the world. In the ’60s, it was marketed to Americans as the next big sensation in sports, as anyone who watched “Mad Men” might remember: Jai alai players use a cesta — which “Mad Men” character Pete Campbell artfully describes as a “basket thing” — to hurl a small, hard, goatskin-covered ball at speeds of almost 200 mph, which is how jai alai earned its title as the world’s fastest game.

(Sigue) (Traducción automática)






Last Updated on Oct 1, 2021 by About Basque Country

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