Among the activities taking place in San Sebastian 2016, the Basque city named as this year’s European Capital of Culture, from November 16-19, will be the Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy.
One of the leading members is Swissinfo, a web portal whose goal is to inform the Swiss who love abroad about their country, as well as spread word about Switzerland worldwide.
This informational website has created a specific section for reporting on this Forum. This liveblog is already up and running, summarizing what was discussed in the Forum held in Tunis in 2015, talking about the relationships between the World Forum and being the European Capital of Culture, and…
Yes, talking about prohibited referenda in the Kingdom of Spain. It’s a true barometer of the level of the democratic system in the southwest of Europe seeing how the Delegate for the Government of the Kingdom of Spain in the Basque Autonomous Community Yes, talking about prohibited referenda in the Kingdom of Spain. It’s a true barometer of the level of the democratic system in the southwest of Europe seeing how the Delegate for the Government of the Kingdom of Spain in the Basque Autonomous Community is trying with all his might to keep a popular referendum from happening..
This would be a referendum about a matter that seems to us to be very far from any “critical” political matter, and which also does not seem to be a part of that “intangible core” of matters that make up what are called “matters of State”.
We’re referring, of course, to the referendum this Basque city’s government would like to hold on whether the citizens would like bullfights to be held within the city limits.
It seems we’re very wrong. The impetus, the interest, and the resources that are being mobilized by the Spanish government on this matter tell us that it concerns them a great deal. We don’t know if it’s because they’re asking the people, or that there’s a possibility the bulls won’t be running in a Basque city anymore, or whether they’re seeing it as a practical exercise in preparing for other referenda. We don’t know, but it’s clear that there are certain circles in power or influence in the Spanish government that don’t like this.
It’s worth reading the information and thoughts on Swissinfo. They’re thoughts that go from general to specific, what’s happening in San Sebastian, and by extension to other places like Catalonia. It’s well worth your time and it will help us understand how the heart of Europe sees this southern kingdom to which most Basques are subject.
Swissinfo – 10/11/2016 – Suiza / Euskadi
A vueltas con la consulta popular sobre los toros
San Sebastián acoge, del 16 al 19 de noviembre, el Foro Global sobre Democracia Directa Moderna. El Ayuntamiento de la ciudad se ha comprometido a facilitar la participación ciudadana y, a petición de un colectivo antitaurino, ha convocado una consulta sobre las corridas de toros. Pero queda por ver si llegará a celebrarse. Pues el camino de la democracia directa en España es largo y está lleno de escollos.
Swissinfo analyzes the situation the referendum regarding bullfighting in San Sebastian is in, right during the celebrations of the Forum for Direct Democracy.