What an absolutely amazing surprise! We just heard the news (thanks to a reader!) that we could find the work of a Basque teacher, Iñaki Piérola, on YouTube. While doing his teacher training at a school in Llanfairpwll, Wales, he saw how interested his students (and people in general) were in Basque culture, so of course he decided he needed to play the Basque classic “Ilargia” by Ken Zazpi with his students, aged 9 to 11. The result? Check it out for yourself in this amazing video. The description is even available in three languages! What more could you want? (English lyrics below)
Simply marvelous. Zorionak eta eskerrik asko, Iñaki Piérola!
You Tube – 3/1/2012 – Wales
Welsh children singing Basque song (Ilargia by Ken Zazpi)
This is me (Iñaki Piérola @inaki.7) singing a Basque song with Welsh children. I spent 2 months doing my teaching practice in Llanfairpwll (Wales) and I thought that I’d be nice to sing a Basque song with children from years 5-6 (9, 10 and 11 years old; they didn’t know any Basque)…
Ilargia | The Moon |
esaiozu euriari berriz ez jauzteko, esan bakardadeari gaur ez etortzeko. eusten nauen soka zara eta itotzen nauena, ametsak sortu zizkidana, galtzen dituena.zuretzat ilargia lapurtuko nuke gauero, eta zu itsu zaude bere argia ikusteko, irribarrez, gero minez, eragin didazu negarra, nire sua itzali da, ez zara gaueko izar bakarra ez zara!!esan sentitzen dudana ez dela egia, une baten sinesteko ez garen guztiazuretzat ilargia lapurtuko nuke gauero, eta zu itsu zaude bere argia ikusteko, irribarrez, gero minez, eragin didazu negarra, nire sua itzali da, ez zara gaueko izar bakarra ez zara!! |
Tell the rain not to fall again, Tell loneliness not to come today. You are the rope that holds me and squeezes me, That made me dream and that destroys themFor you, I would steal the moon every night And you’re blinded by looking at its light Laughing, then suffering, you’ve made me cry My fire’s burned out You’re not the only star at night No, you’re not!Tell me what I feel is not true To believe, for a moment, everything we aren’tFor you, I would steal the moon every night And you’re blinded by looking at its light Laughing, then suffering, you’ve made me cry My fire’s burned out You’re not the only star at night No, you’re not! |

Last Updated on Dec 20, 2020 by About Basque Country