Don’t be alarmed!ย There is no new species of crocodiles that have come back to the now-clean waters of the Basque Country.ย Rather, this is a type of locomotive which, as you can see in the photos, has a very unique profile which many who’ve traveled on Basque railways in the past few years may recognize.ย The forum that we’re bringing you today is a German group of rail lovers offering an amazing collection of photos of these locomotives in their “historical” section.
Considering this is labeled “Part 3”, German rail lovers can find another two past articles about these “toothless reptiles” which ruled the “iron highways” of the Basque Country.ย There’s even a Part 4 (you’ll find the links at the end of the article).
By they way, these photos are true gems worth studying, if only for how they show us how much our local trains have changed in the past thirty years.
Drehscheibe-foren – 25/12/2010 -Germany
Unechte Krokodile im Baskenland, Teil 3 (9 Farb-B, ab 1976)
Einen gepflegten Eindruckt macht FV 4 “Kalamua” (HSP 1575/BBC 2835) am 24. Juni 1976 im Bahnhof San Sebastian. Sie hat einen Langstrecken-Personenzug nach Bilbao am Haken , dem Sonnenstand zu urteilen Zug 20 mit Abfahrt um 18.00 Uhr nach Bilbao. Der erste Wagen hinter der Lok, TC 53, gehรถrt der 1944/45 in Beasain beschafften Serie TC 50-56 an, genannt “caimano”. In den folgenden kurzen Umbauwagen werden Gepรคckstรผcke verladen. (Follow)
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Last Updated on Mar 31, 2020 by About Basque Country