La Continental es un blog que realiza desde USA Dean Curtis y en el que, tal y como explica él mismo, se habla de:
restaurants and bars that have a long history, original decor (or partly original) that gives the visitor a feeling of going back in time, old-fashioned service, and offer classic dishes (or cocktails) that have a long history or are regional specialties. (restaurantes y bares que tienen una larga historia, decoración original -o en parte el original- que da al visitante una sensación de retroceder en el tiempo, el servicio a la antigua, y ofrece platos clásicos (o cócteles) que tienen una larga la historia o son especialidades regionales)
Entre sus referencias a estos restaurares con “historia” ha incluido en su blog cuatro referencias a la presencia de hoteles, bares y restaurantes vascos en el oeste de los USA. dos de ellas nos informan del cierre de establecimientos vascos con una gran historia, pero otros nos hablan de cómo la cultura, la gastronomía y la tradición vasca siguen presentes, con fuerza, en esa parte de los USA. Nosotros ya hemos recogido en nuestra web muchas informaciones sobre esta presencia tan poderosa que se pueden ver aquí.
Una interesante, y hermosa, recopilación de pequeñas historias, fotografías y anécdotas de esta parte de la historia de los vascos al otro lado del mar. Además de una clara indicación de que esa comida, la de los vascos en USA, es algo a no perder.
A ustedes les dejamos las cuatro referencias. Y a Dean Curtis, queremos transmitirle nuestra esperanza de que siga escribiendo sobre este tema.
La ubicación de los restaurantes vascos en el mundo: aquí
La Continental – 12/9/2014 – USA
Bakersfield – Basque City
Let’s stick with the American Basque restaurant theme after last week’s post on theOverland Hotel in Gardnerville, NV. Bakersfield, California, is without a doubt the Basque capital of the west, if measured by the number of Basque bars and restaurants. There are three historic Basque hotels with bars and eateries in the old part of east Bakersfield by the railroad tracks (that was originally the town of Sumner, then Kern City, before becoming part of Bakersfield), plus a few Basque restaurants in other parts of town of more recent vintage.
(Sigue) (traducción automática)
La Continental – 9/9/2014 – USA
CLOSED – Overland Hotel Bar & Restaurant, Gardnerville, Nevada

Recently I heard of the sale and closure of the Overland Hotel on U.S. 395 in Gardnerville, Nevada, one of a number of hotels that were built in the 19th century and early 20th century as boarding houses for migrant Basque sheepherders, who immigrated from the Pyranees during the California gold rush and Nevada silver mining boom. Over time most of the 300+ Basque hotels closed but a few remain as social gathering places for local Basques (and tourists) to drink a Picon Punch (aka Picon) and dine on hearty food, family-style. Le Continental previously visited Reno’s Santa Fe Hotel and Carson City’sThurman’s Ranch House, which closed in 2013.
(Sigue) (traducción automática)
La Continental – 12/2/2014 – USA
Santa Fe Hotel, Reno, Nevada
In the mid-19th century Gold Rush of California many people came from the Basque Country in the Pyrenees Mountains of Spain and France to strike it rich. It wasn’t easy to find gold so many became sheepherders, spreading throughout California and Nevada. Basque-operated boardinghouses were built to provide the hardworking men a hot meal and a room. At one time there were over 300 of these hotels. Quite a few returned home after earning enough money for passage so most of the hotels closed down. But a few survived and remain in operation today, still serving food and drink, but now to the public as well as to Basque families (I don’t think any still operate as hotels).
(Sigue) (traducción automática)
La Continental – 17/1/2012 – USA
Thurman’s Ranch House, Carson City, Nevada – CLOSED
f you are ever in northern Nevada and you want a home-cooked meal at reasonable prices, head to Thurman’s Ranch House in Carson City. Open since 1973 on U.S. 50 (the old Lincoln Highway), just east of the U.S. 395 freeway that loops around Carson City. They are open for lunch on weekdays but at dinnertime they serve family-style dinners in the Western U.S. Basque style. Which means you get plenty to eat. Each dinner comes with homemade soup and salad, three sides of your choice, entrée, bread, dessert, plusall the house red wine you can drink! Solo diners can opt for a smaller dinner.
(Sigue) (traducción automática)
Last Updated on Sep 13, 2014 by About Basque Country
Valora en La Continental es un blog que realiza desde USA Dean Curtis y en el que, tal y como explica él mismo, se habla de: restaurants and bars that have a long history, original decor (or partly original) that gives the
[…] conducirnos a otras buenas historias, y este es un caso. En una información anterior en la que hablábamos sobre restaurantes vascos en en oeste de los USA, recogíamos una referencia al cierre del Overland Hotel Bar & Restaurant, en Gardnerville, […]
[…] primer repaso rápido, nos hemos encontrado ya con una que nos ha gustado mucho y tiene que ver con un artículo que acabamos de escribir sobre los restaurantes tradicionales vascos en USA. Un grupo fantástico hasta en su extraordinario […]