Los vascos de la Comunidad Autónoma y de la Comunidad Foral de Navarra estamos a la cabeza de la renta per capita en el Reino de España. Es curioso porque nunca se habla de la “capacidad de compra”, es decir la relación entre la renta y el costo de la vida. Sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que en el centro de Bilbao hay plazas de garage que cuestan tanto como pisos en Leon.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Euroresidentes – Spain
Region in Spain with highest total personal income
Inhabitants in the Basque Country the richest in Spain
The Basque Country has overtaken Madrid as the area of Spain with the highest capita per inhabitant. Figures published yesterday by the Spanish National Institute of Statistics (INE) showed that GDP per inhabitant in Madrid was 29,965 euros compared to 30,599 for inhabitants in the Basque Country. Extremadura and Andalucía remained at the bottom of the list although figures show that the difference in GDP between parts of Spain is going down year by year. The average income per inhabitant in Spain is now estimated at 23,396 euros. (+)
Last Updated on Mar 28, 2008 by About Basque Country